Saturday 25 December 2010

Pints of Guinness Make Me Strong..

Dublin Trip

For Ashleigh’s birthday (December 11th)  I went to Belfast for a few days and then the two of us went to Dublin to go to a concert. We went out with her flatmates on Friday December 10th and were out waayy to late so our trip to Dublin didn’t start until late afternoon on Saturday the 11th. We took the bus from the Europa bus station in Belfast to the main bus station in Dublin. It took us about 2.5 hours to get there and we took a taxi from the train station to our hotel to clean up before the concert. We walked into town to find a place to eat for supper and then after a very delicious meal we walked to Crawdaddy, which is where the concert was being held. The concert was a band called Fred, which is a group Ashleigh likes from Cork in Ireland. I had never heard of them before, or heard of any of their music, but the concert was good, the venue was nice and all in all it was a great night. After the concert we went back to the hotel and watched a movie.

The next day we got up, checked out and ate breakfast in St. Stephen`s Green, which is a park near our hotel. From there we got on a hop on hop off tour bus and went on a tour of the city. We got off the bus at the Guinness Storehouse and wandered around the brewery. Ashleigh and I are now both certified to pour Guinness correctly. After that we got back on the tour bus and went to the Dublin Castle, which was closed, but we walked around the grounds and took many pictures. From there we walked down to Temple Bar where we got some supper at a local pub before taking the bus back to Belfast.

My camera was dying so I don`t have many pictures. 

Ashleigh on the tour bus

Christ Church Cathedral

Guinness Storehouse

It got reaaal cold on the bus

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