Thursday 21 October 2010

Halfway There..

I haven’t posted in a while, as nothing exciting has happened, but I thought I would update you all about the little that’s going on in my life.

I had two funny things happen to me this week, both on Monday. I though I would share:

  1. It was Monday morning and I was at work, sitting in the office when the phone rang. I answered it, it was the receptionist asking to speak to my supervisor Billy. I said he wasn’t there yet, and she asked if he was up on the ward. I went to respond “I am not sure” but she said thanks and hung up after I said “Iiiiii”. I was quite confused as to what had happened until I realized that she thought I was saying “Aye” which is very common here in Scotland. Apparently I am picking up the lingo and I didn’t even know it!

  1. I went to a concert with my friend AJ on Monday night. We were waiting to get in to the venue and had to show someone our tickets. AJ went first, and the woman who took his ticket asked him if he was going to be drinking. He said yes, was asked for his ID and then given a wristband to show that he was over 18. I went next. The woman took my ticket and told me to “have fun” with a pat on the back.  Apparently, I still look 17. Hopefully when I’m 27 I look 22.

Obviously being in Scotland is different than being in Canada. I think I have adapted fairly well and have managed with the accent, the food (British food is terrible) and the loss of personal transportation (yay public transit!). But there are some things I find myself missing on an almost daily basis. Some Canadian things I am really looking forward to:

-          Kraft Dinner. They have this “pasta and cheese” stuff that you can buy here. Its not nearly as good as real KD
-          Yellow Mustard. I can’t find this here, and sometimes I really just want some French’s yellow mustard to go on my sammich.
-          A non-electric shower – Electric showers = weird.
-          Central Heating – Radiators – blah. Especially since the boiler stopped working last night, so Julie and I spent the night freezing, with no heat and no hot water to wash up with. I realize that hot water and central heating weren’t always around, but they are things I have always had in my life and I feel deprived without them. Although, it is kind of nice to get out of the shower and grab the towel that was heating on the radiator.
-          Washer and dryer that work. – Wash a load of laundry (which takes 55 minutes on the fastest cycle.), hang to dry (usually on the radiators). It takes quite a long time to do laundry, we usually do 2-3 loads 2-3 times a week as the washer is itty bitty and the dryer doesn’t dry.
-          Non-instant coffee – Does this even need explaining?

I am not trying to complain here, I realize that none of these are essential to life and that I am managing just fine without them, but I just miss these luxuries is all. So if you want to send me KD and French’s yellow mustard it would be greatly appreciated.

Week 7 of practicum ended today, which means I am officially more than ½ done. It has gone so fast and I don’t think I am going to be ready to leave when its time. My professor came for a site visit this week. He came in, got a tour around the hospital and talked with Julie, myself and our supervisor about our progress and the site having other practicum students, etc. The hospital made us a nice lunch of sirloin steak (delicious, but not as good as home!) and we got to visit for a while. It was nice to see someone familiar after being here and meeting new people for months.

AJ and I are heading to Belfast, for the second time, this weekend to visit Ashleigh. We have a city tour planned so hopefully I will have many pictures to post next week.

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