Saturday 11 September 2010

Week 1 of Practicum

This has been a very busy week! Monday Julie and I moved into our flat (I will post pictures of it when I get a chance) and we spent the day unpacking, cleaning - it was so dirty, it was quite off-putting. Julie said "I don't think the people who lived here before us cleaned the whole time they lived here". We also went to the store and bought some food, as well as some things that the flat didn't clocks, mirrors and towels. We had a long day of that stuff and Julie's mom, who is here for two weeks, was nice enough to make us supper.

Our first day of work went really well. We walk to work every morning and it only takes about 15 minutes and its mostly uphill (I hate hills). When we got to the Priory Hospital no one seemed to know what we were doing there - I guess we were too early (it was around 830 when we got there, we were supposed to start at 9) so the director of the hospital came to meet us and showed us to the cafeteria where we had coffee and waited for our supervisor. The cafeteria is really fancy, like a restaraunt and the food is quite good and cheap, I spend less than £5 ($8) on lunch for this week. We finally met our supervisor and went on a tour of the place. Its a 42 bed 28 day residential treatment facility for people with eating disorders, addictions and mental health problems and Julie and I should be able to work in each of these areas at least a little bit while we are here.

The first week went well, we are starting to learn our way around the place and we've each only taken a few wrong turns. We got to sit in on group therapy sessions - Julie go to lead one, I get to lead one next week- and did some individual counselling. So far its been really great and I have been enjoying it a lot.

Being in Scotland too is getting better, I am getting used to things more and more - although the other day I did freak out when I saw a car turn left in front of another car and then I realized that was okay cause they drive on the left here. I am learning, slowly.

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